Prismatic Scrying: Week of December 12, 2022

After a bit of a break last week, Prismatic Scrying is back with more cool Sagittarius tones, along with some yellow-into-green to highlight the Moon’s transits from Leo to Virgo this week. However, beyond the colors, something is very, very apparent.

There are bears. There are so many bears. I could honestly just put a reference to Winnie the Pooh and tap out - that’s how overwhelming the bear presence is here. It makes the message a bit one-note, don’t you think?

And then there’s this guy:

Overall, there are major, major themes of protection and defensiveness in this reading. Notice how all of the bears are relatively calm. There’s no hint of violence or even much activity. They simply want to demonstrate their presence, and that’s a lovely message to take away. It is possible to assert your power without being a direct threat to others. It is possible to protect and defend with the full knowledge and confidence that, if needed, you can take care of what needs to be done.

The apple reinforces this. Across folklore and myth, the apple stands as a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and transmutation in some cases. Is it possible that this inherent strength isn’t something you’re aware of within yourself?

While there are human figures here, note that the majority of the symbols are animal. This protectiveness is a base instinct within us, and one that we want to steer clear of overthinking. If there’s action to be taken, take it. If there’s noise to be made, stand up.

This aligns with the heart and the fire-head toward the right-hand side of the image. While a human sits with their head on fire, they’re curled up and inactive. Their thoughts are overwhelming, and the displaced heart above them sends their desires into even further confusion. Your instincts are telling you something is out of place and needs to be done.

Like the lion, assert your position and be unafraid. If the bear indicates solemn protectiveness, the lion here shows us loud courage, even if it doesn’t attack or resort to violence. The figure of the man leading the woman contextualizes this further with a sense of authority. We may need to use this power to protect someone we love, whether from an outside threat or from themselves - and this can be as simple as using your voice when necessary and understanding your own personal power.

While the instincts to protect are beyond overwhelming in this week’s reading, the dragon appears to remind us, every so often, to re-evaluate. What things are truly important, and what things can be let go of? The bears provide a distinct sense of stubbornness here. Are you holding on to too much responsibility? Are you attempting to exert too much authority over others? When we’re unfamiliar with our own capabilities, it can be easy to swing too far toward excess as we attempt to prove ourselves. While defensiveness may prove to be a good thing, don’t fall so far into protection that you wind up hoarding peoples’ time or resources. 

Overall, if something is wrong or doesn’t seem right, speak up. Act on it. Feel secure in unlocking the protective aspects of yourself. Love the people close to you fiercely, but be careful not to fall into extremes. Guarding something obsessively won’t turn out well.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope this resonated this week. As a reminder, I’m also available for personal scrying sessions, and I encourage you to comment and spread the word around! See you next week!


Prismatic Scrying: Week of November 28, 2022