♑︎ 2022

Why hello there!  The new day dawns with the brilliant birth of The Shining Lyre and I couldn't possibly be filled with more pride and joy.  We've worked hard bringing this dream to life and are eager to work even harder doing the same for yours.  As usual, I have more to say than space to say it, so let's go ahead and get down to business!

Though some of our services are still being fine-tuned, there are plenty of products immediately available!  Aly is ready and waiting to bring your questions to light with one of their oracular pieces of Prismatic Scrying or capture something truly special with their evocative Energetic Impressions.  I am, as always, lovingly prodded by the Muses for something to flow through, and celebrating someone through one of my custom Horoscopic Hymns is a wonderful way to put their inspiration to work.

In honor of our debut, we've prepared for you two new blog posts rich with knowledge you'll not want to miss.  In "A Beginner's Guide to Making Art with the Zodiac," I provide an introductory overview of using everyone's favorite circle of little animals to quickly create an interwoven system of twelve parts, while in "Divining the Mundane: A Guide to Everyday Scrying," Aly offers unique methods of finding and interpreting unexpected patterns in everyday phenomena.  More than mere articles, these are made to be discussions that we hope you'll join in on.

All in all, you can rest assured knowing that there will always be something new to discover at The Shining Lyre.  We're constantly adding and updating, so be sure to sign up for our mailing list so you're not left out of the loop!

Alas, the Muses are calling, and I must attend to them before I'm nothing more than a floating head singing down the Hebrus river.  We look forward to meaningfully enriching your lives as much as we're able and can't wait for all we'll make together.  Until next time, happy hunting!

- Cory C. Childs